Why Male/Female be circumcised? Was it because of regilion, culture and traditions - the reason why circumcision is practised? Are we not aware that this is mutilation in the most private spot or let's say "Genital Mutilation". It is cruel and barbaric. It is a human rights violation.
A week ago, I posted this question at my other forum. Luckily it received interesting comments from both male and female respondents but mostly of comments came from women.
If its good for him its good for her.
Actually female circumcision is just as defensible as male circumcision. Cancer of the labia is twice as common as cancer of the penis. Removal of the labia would give more protection from cancer than male circumcising is supposed to.
There is a medical basis for male circumcision; it removes a flap of skin that is hard to keep clean, and can become infected." IN FACT uncircumcised males have fewer infections than females have. All it takes to keep it clean is to retract and wash it with soap and water when in the shower anyway. Far easier to keep clean than a female! And that "flap of skin has 240 feet of nerves and 20,000 specialized nerve endings, it is similar to a clitoris.
Men who are circumcised , usually at birth, have the same sexual responses.
IN FACT many circumcised males are incapable of orgasm from intercourse.
Many circumcised males live with constant irritation to their exposed glans, this results from friction against their clothing during work or exercises. If your clothing was to grate against your clitoris all day long every day you might begin to understand.